Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Dark Elfs 2500 pts List ; best possible?

Since i can't afford to bump my Dark Elf army to 1500 for a few months, and with a big tournament coming up in March, the following two months will be very intensive in fantasy. This week, while i'm painting my Cold One and wondering how i'll manage to paint everything in time, I'll talk to you about my Dark Elf list, which i think is about as strong as its possible to make.

Note that this is not a friendly list, you'd probably wouldn't make too many friends with that list, but compared to some other race's abuse, it's not all that bad.

Friday, 14 January 2011

The Race is On. Deadline March 12th

March 12

Before Northern Defenders 3 (March 12th), i have to paint :

1 Dreadlord on Cold One
1 Sorceress
32 Warriors
10 Dark Rider
14 Witch Elves
3 Cold One.
2 Hydra (one being basecoated, the other not built)

Sunday, 9 January 2011

First 40k tournament ever

Yesterday was my first ever tournament with 40k. It was a team tournament, with each player bringing 1000 pts (so 2000 vs 2000).

I kept the same list as my test game :
Archon with HuskBlade, PhantasmGrenadeLauncher, CombatDrug, Soul-Trap, ShadowField
5 Incubi with Klaivex and Bloodstone, riding a Raider with Night Shield, Flicker Field and GrislyTrophies
2x10 Wych with Shardnet and Impaler, Razorflails, Hekatrix with PhantasmGrenadeLauncher and Agoniser riding a Raider with Night Shield and Flicker Field
1 Ravager with NightShield and FlickerField.

My teammate had roughly : 
1 warboss
1 bigmek with kustom force field
6 Meganobz
20 Shoota
20 Slugga

1 Defkoptas with Rokkit
2 Battlewagon with Hardcase

Scenario was homemade, with a primary, secondary and tertiary objective. 

Friday, 7 January 2011

First 40k test game

I played my first game of 40k ever today against a store employee, using my list for tomorrow team tournament.

My list was as follow :
Archon with HuskBlade, PhantasmGrenadeLauncher, CombatDrug, Soul-Trap, ShadowField
5 Incubi with Klaivex and Bloodstone, riding a Raider with Night Shield, Flicker Field and GrislyTrophies
2x10 Wych with Shardnet and Impaler, Razorflails, Hekatrix with PhantasmGrenadeLauncher and Agoniser riding a Raider with Night Shield and Flicker Field
1 Ravager with NightShield and FlickerField.

He was playing chaos, with something like this :

Nurgle Daemon that spawn on a champion (sorry, still new to this)
Flying Daemon
1 Rhino with 10 chaos something, with tons of shooting.
1 Land Raider with 5 guys (2 flamer)
1 Obliterator (i think... it come from deepstrike, and just shoot).

Kill Point scenario, with Spearhead deployment. Terrain was basically 9 ruins, deployed in a 3x3 square.