Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Unsinkables WIP #29 : Nearly Done!

Lack of post doesnt mean i didnt work on my army. I actually almost finished it. I also played a local 3 games tournament where i went 1-2 (49 pts out of a possible 90 i believe, and more important, roughly 15 pts from the top spot).

I once again realized that my list is pretty weak, but its okay, i have great looking models in that list.

My first goal was obviously to finish my presentation tray. Such a big piece to paint was quite a challenge, and i opted for the good ol' Airbrush to get it done faster. In the end i was really happy because the color is almost spot on with the bases on my models. I also did edge highlight on each planks... which took forever, and was probably one of the most boring and annoying thing i had to do yet.

Sorry for the blurry picture... for some reason, none came out great tonight....

The white is actually gonna dry clear. Once its dried, i'll probably spray a little white on top of it to add a nice little effect on it.

The next goal was to convert and paint a new model to my list, from the beastman armybook, slugtongue. Since the guy has no model of his own (and never had), i had to get creative and used the only picture available of him (his armybook entry) and some inspiration on various blog, to create what i hope is a good looking model, or at least, good enough to look like a hero...

I tried to reuse the color from the chimera, to make the beasts look somewhat similar. So it had a redish skin/fur and....

.... A fuzzy blue book. You can at the very least see the color used. For his robe, i went with the same color as the rest of my army, adding some red and brown wash in the shadow to give it a more... dirty look.

The last thing was my Daemon Prince. Since he's not really part of my army (so far i only managed to summon one once in maybe 10 games), i didn't want to really invest, or spend too much time on it. I had the top done for quite some times, but i was clueless on what to do with his legs.... until this morning, when searching for inspiration, i found someone who did something similar with the real daemon prince model...

It is obviously different. Claws, no eyes, a gigantic mouth, its a very weird daemon prince...

Still unsure how i'll paint it.... i considered painting eyes on some of the round thing i used to fill up his holes, but i might just paint them as pustule. I think a eyeless DP is pretty nurgle, especially once that seems to come from the bottom of the sea....

So this is it for tonight. I have 4 days left to paint the DP. It's a pretty tight schedule, but i think i can pull it off somewhat easily (who need sleep anyway!)

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